FNCCI is the member of the following international organisations:
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
33-43 avenue du President Wilson, 75116 Paris, France
Tel. (331) 49532944.
Fax (331) 49533079.
International Organisation of Employers' (IOE)
GPO. Box 68, 26 Chemin de Joinville, CH - 1226 Cointrin/Geneva
Tel. 4122 7981616.
Fax 7988862.
Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI)
14F, No. 11 Songgao Road, Xinyi District Taipei 11073, Taiwan
Tel. +886 2 2725 5663, +886 2 2725 5664
Fax (886 2) 2725-5665.
SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI)
House #. 5, Street #. 59, F-8/4 Islamabad, Pakistan-756001
Tel. (92-51) 2281395-96.
Fax (92-51) 2281390.
Standing Committee for the Chamber of Commerce of Group-77
Asian Trade Promotion Forum (ATPF) (JETRO)
2-5, Toranomon 2-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105.
Tel. (813) 35825574.
Fax (813) 35851630
World Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (WASME)
Saraswoti House, 27, Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110 019, India.
Tel. (9111) 6411417, 6443585.
Fax (9111) 6414058.