This Code of Conduct shall be called Business Code of Conduct of FNCCI, 2061 and shall be referred to hereinafter as Code of Conduct.

This Code of Conduct shall come into force immediately.
1.   Members of all associations and organizations affiliated to the FNCCI shall make special efforts in abiding by the terms enunciated in the Business Code of Conduct as follows.
2. All members shall hereby undertake to:
3. Refrain from engaging in business activities that goes against the interest of the State.
4. Pay special attention to the protection and promotion of public welfare in the conduct of their business. Desist from activities that jeopardize fair conduct and public norms and values.
  • Abstain from activities considered detrimental to the general health of the people.
  • Maintain smooth supply of quality goods and services in the market at fair prices. The merchandise shall be of specified weights and standards. There shall be no adulteration.
  • Refrain from activities likely to cause artificial shortages of goods in the market. In the event of any shortages, shall not conduct business at unfair prices.
  • Abstain from the usage of merchandise or standards prohibited by law.
  • Maintaining faith in fair business competition, provide maximum benefit to the consumers.
  • Oppose monopolistic business practices and controlled supply systems (e.g. syndicates and cartels) and not be involved in any such groups or systems.
  • Settle business disputes through mutual consultations in an amicable and lawful manner.
  • Give precedence to business transparency.
  • Make fair and proper utilization of credit and loans.
  • Show special sensitivity towards environmental protection.
  • Abide by prevalent statutes, laws and process.
  • Submit documents, papers, statements of accounts as well as pay taxes, tariffs and levies as required by law in time.
  • Abstain from dealing in any goods categorized as forbidden or banned by law.
  • Refrain from providing donations or financial assistance to political parties or their leaders with considerations of bearing in business deals or for personal benefits.
  • Fix a ceiling of the value of any gift or present to anyone as not to exceed Rs.5,000.
  • Observe the Business Code of Conduct endorsed by the FNCCI by self as well as encourage others also to do likewise.



व्यावसायिक आचार संहिता:


(नेपाल उद्योग वाणिज्य महासंघको ३८औं वाषिर्क साधारण सभाबाट पारित)

१) राष्ट्रको अहित हुने गरी व्यावसायिक कार्य नगर्ने ।
२) व्यवसाय गर्दा सार्वजनिक हितको संरक्षण र सम्वर्द्धनमा विशेष ध्यान दिने । सदाचार, सार्वजनिक मूल्य र मान्यतालाई आंच आउने कार्य नगर्ने ।
आम जनताको स्वास्थ्यको प्रतिकूल हुने कार्य नगर्ने ।
गुणस्तरीय सामान र सेवा उचित मूल्यमा बजारमा प्रवाहित गर्ने । तोकिएको गुणस्तर, तौल परिमाणमा नै सामान उपलब्ध गराउने । मिसावट नगर्ने ।
कृत्रिम अभावको सृजना हुने/गर्ने कृयाकलापमा संलग्न नहुने । कारणवश अभाव हुन गएको अवस्थामा अनुचित मूल्य लिई व्यवसाय नगर्ने ।
कानूनद्वारा वर्जित सामान, मापदण्डको प्रयोग नगर्ने ।
व्यावसायिक स्वस्थ प्रतिस्पर्धामा विश्वास गर्दै उपभोक्तालाई अधिकतम फाइदा दिने ।
एकाधिकारको व्यवसाय र नियन्त्रीत आपूर्ति प्रणाली (Syndicate/Carteling) को विरोध गर्ने । त्यस्तो समूह वा प्रणालीमा संलग्न नहुने ।
व्यावसायिक विवाद भएमा आपसी छलफलद्वारा कानून सम्मत र शान्तिपूर्ण तरिकाले विवादको निरुपण गर्ने ।
व्यवसायिक पारदर्शितालाई बढावा दिने ।
उधारो लिएको रकम वा कर्जाको सहि उपयोग गर्ने ।
वातावरणीय संरक्षणमा विशेष सम्वेदनशिल हुने ।
प्रचलित कानून वा प्रक्रियाको पालना गर्ने ।
कानून बमोजिम पेश गर्नु पर्ने कागजात, हर हिसाब तथा कर, दस्तुर वा महसुल समयमै सम्बन्धित कार्यालयमा पेश गर्ने । बुझाउने ।
कानूनद्वारा निषेधीत भनी तोकिएको वस्तुको खरिद बिक्री नगर्ने ।
व्यापारिक कारोवारमा प्रत्यक्ष असर पर्ने वा व्यक्तिगत फाइदाको हेतुले राजनीतिक दल वा तीनका नेतालाई चन्दा, आर्थिक सहयोग आदि नदिने ।
कसैलाई दिइने कोसेली वा उपहारको अधिकतम मूल्यको सिमा रु. पांच हजार तोक्ने ।
नेपाल उद्योग वाणिज्य महासंघबाट स्वीकृत व्यावसायिक आचार संहिता आफुले पनि पालना गर्ने र अरुलाई पनि पालना गर्न प्रोत्साहित गर्ने ।

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