FNCCI cooperates with the following foreign chambers and organisations through memorandum of understanding / agreement :

Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI), (27 November, 1983) 
60, Motijheel C/A, GPO Box 2079, Dhaka 1000. 
Tel. (8802) 9560598, 9560102-3. Fax (8802) 7176030, 9560588. 
E-mail: fbcci@bol-online.com Url:http://www.fbcci-bd.org 
PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI), (12 March, 1988) 
PHD House, Opp. Asian Games Village, New Delhi 110 016. 
Tel. (9111) 6863801-4. Fax (9111) 6863135. 
E-mail: phdcci@del2.vsnl.net.in Url: http://www.phdcci.org 
Standtsparkasse Koln - Asia Pacific Center, (22 February, 1989) 
Tel. ... 
E-mail: ..........  Url: ................... 

The Central Chamber of Commerce of Finland (CCCF), (17 June, 1993) 
Aleksanterinkatu 17, GPO Box 1000, 00101 Helsinki, Finland. 
Tel. (3589) 696969. Fax (3589) 650303. 
E-mail: keskuskauppakamari@wtc.fi Url: http://www.keskuskauppakamari.fi 

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (AFEC), (21 June, 1993) 
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63, GPO Box 150, 1045 Vienna, Austria. 
Tel. (431) 501054787. Fax (431) 50105265. 
E-mail: highway@aw.wk.or.at Url: http://www.wko.at 

The Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce, (25 June, 1993) 
84 Hahashmonaim Street, Tel Aviv 67011, Israel. 
Tel. (9723) 5631020. Fax (9723) 5619027. 
E-mail: chamber@chamber.org.il Url: http://www.chamber.org.il 

Federation of Egyptian Chamber of Commerce (FECC), (28 June, 1993) 
4 Midan EI - Falaky Square, Cairo, Egypt. 
Tel. (202) 7956066, 7953677. Fax (202) 7951164 
E-mail: fedcoc@menanet.net

Egyptian Businessmen's Association (EBA), (28 June, 1993) 
Nile Tower - 21, Giza Street, GPO Box 265, Giza, Cairo. 
Tel. (202) 5736030. Fax (202) 5737258. 
E-mail: eba@eba.org.eg Url: http://www.eba.org.eg 

The Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), (13 October, 1993) 
11, Community Centre, Zamrudpur, New Delhi 110 048, India. 
Tel. (9111) 6446321. Fax (9111) 6451981. 
E-mail: assocham@sansad.nic.in Url: http://www.assocham.org 

Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, (29 October, 1993) 
Regional Office South Asia, USO House, 6, Special Institutional Area, New Delhi 110 067, India. 
Tel. (9111) 6862064 / 6863846. Fax (9111) 6862042 
E-mail: officeindia@india.fnst.org Url: http://www.fnst.org 

Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI), (14 December, 1993) 
FBCCI Icon, 60, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Tel. (941) 223381470, 02-223350002 
E-mail: secretariat@fbcci.org Url: https://fbcci.org/​
Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka (FCCISL), (21 December, 1993) 
“Federation House”, No : 17/1, 1st Lane Gothami Road , Colombo 08, Sri Lanka. 
Tel. +94 11739 0860 
E-mail:  info@fccisl.lk Url: https://www.fccisl.lk 

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, (19 August, 1994) 
2, Octavian Goga Boulevard, R-74244, Bucharest, Romania. 
Tel. (401) 3229516. Fax (401) 3229517. 
E-mail: ccir@ccir.ro Url: http://www.ccir.ro 

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), (8 February, 1995) 
23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003. 
Tel. (9111) 4629994, 4626164, 4366225. Fax (9111) 4626149, 4366311. 
E-mail: ciico@ciionline.org Url: http://www.ciionline.org 

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), (26 December, 1995) 
23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003. 
Tel. (9111) 4629994, 4626164, 4366225. Fax (9111) 4626149, 4366311. 
E-mail: ciico@ciionline.org Url: http://www.ciionline.org 

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), (13 February, 1996) 
Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi 110 001, India. 
Tel. (9111) 3738760. Fax (9111) 3320714. 
E-mail: ficci@ficci.com Url: http://www.ficci.com 

All China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), (5 September, 1996) 
93 Bei He Yan Dajie, Beijing 100006, China. 
Tel. (8610) 65136677, 651332312-2313. Fax (8610) 65131769
E-mail: acfic@acfic.org.cn Url: http://www.chinachamber.org.cn

Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI), (2 November, 1996) 
Federation House, Main Clifton Road, GPO Box 13875, Karachi 75600, Pakistan
Tel. (9221)5873691,93-94. Fax (9221) 5874332.
E-mail: fpcci@cyber.net.pk Url: http://www.fpcci.com.pk

Union of Myanmar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI), (4 April, 1997) 
No. 504/506, Merchant St., Kyauktada Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel. (95-1) 246495, 243151, 381284, 381285. Fax (951) 248177. 
E-mail: umcci@mptmail.net.mm Url: http://www.umfcci.com.mm

Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI), (5 November, 1998) 
3-2-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 
Tel. (813) 32837851. Fax (813) 32166497. 
E-mail: info@jcci.or.jp Url: http://www.jcci.or.jp 

Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce (FJCC), (7 April 2000)
P.O. Box 7029 Amman, 11118 Jordan 
Tel. (962-6) 5665492, 5690398. Fax (962-6) 5685997. 
E-mail: fjcc@nets.com.jo Url: http://www.fjcc.com 

The Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI), (18 May 2000) 
45, 4-Ka, Namaemun-ro, Chung-Ku, Seoul, Korea 
Tel. (82-2) 316-3114. Fax (82-2) 757-9475. 
E-mail: trade@kcci.or.kr Url: http://www.kcci.or.kr 

China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), (21 June 2000) 
No. 1 Fuxingmenwai Street, Beijing, P.R China(100860)
Tel. (8610) 68020229, 68034823, 68013344. Fax (8610) 68030747, 68011370. 
E-mail: info@ccpit.org Url: http://www.ccpit.org
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), (2 August, 2000) 
23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003. 
Tel. (9111) 4629994, 4626164, 4366225. Fax (9111) 4626149, 4366311. 
E-mail: ciico@ciionline.org Url: http://www.ciionline.org 

The Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UCCI), (18 September 2000) 
Information Department, 33, vul. Velyka Zhytomyrska, Kiev, 01601, Ukraine 
Tel. (0038044) 2722911. Fax (0038044) 2723353. 
E-mail: ucci@ucci.org.ua Url: http://www.ucci.org.ua 

Confederation of Danish Industries (CODI), (2 February 2001) 
18, H.C. Andersens Boulevard, DK-1787 Copenhagen V. 
Tel. (0045) 33773377. Fax (0045) 33773300.
E-mail: di@di.dk Url: http://www.di.dk 

Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency of Mongolia (FIFTAM), (5 February 2001) 
Room 209, Second Floor, State Property Building-1, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 
Tel. (0097611) 326040, 320871, 321438, 320793. Fax (0097611) 324076. 
E-mail: fifta@investmongolia.com Url: http://www.investmongolia.com 

The French Business Confederation (MEDEF International), (7 March 2001)
31 Avenue Pierre 1er de serbie 75784 Paris, Cedex 16 France
Tel. 33 1 40 69 96 00. Fax 33 1 47 23 47 32. 
E-mail: fqaussen@medef.fr Url: http://www.medefinternational.fr 

The Singapore Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Indsutry (SFCCI), (21 March 2001) 
47, Hill Street, No. 03-01, Chinese Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Singapore 179365 
Tel. (0065) 3389761. Fax (0065) 3395630. 
E-mail: sfcci@singnet.com.sg 
The Embassy of Japan in Kathmandu (3 July 2001) 
Panipokhari, Kathmandu
Tel. 4526680
E-mail:  consular-emb@km.mofa.go.jp  Url: https://www.np.emb-japan.go.jp/itprtop_en/index.html

Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry, (11 September 2001) 
775, Safat 13008, Kuwait, State of Kuwait 
Tel. (00965) 805580 Ext.#555. Fax (00965) 2460693. 
E-mail: kcci@kcci.org.kw Url: http://www.kcci.org.kw

Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka (FCCISL), (18 January 2002) 
“Federation House”, No : 17/1, 1st Lane Gothami Road , Colombo 08, Sri Lanka. 
Tel. +94 11739 0860 
E-mail:  info@fccisl.lk Url: https://www.fccisl.lk 

Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), (14 March 2003)
P.O. Box 147, Doybum Lam, Thimpu, Bhutan
Tel. (00975) 2322742, 2324254. Fax (00975) 2223936
E-mail: bsdbcci@druknet.bt Url: http://www.bcci.com.bt
Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI), (23 January 2003) 
FBCCI Icon, 60, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Tel. (941) 223381470, 02-223350002 
E-mail: secretariat@fbcci.org Url: https://fbcci.org/​

Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (QCCI), (16 June 2005)
P.O. Box 402, Doha, Qatar
Tel. (00974) 4559111. Fax (00974) 4661693, 4661697
E-mail: info@qcci.org Url: http://www.qcci.org

Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), (29 October 2005)
11 Chavchavadre Avenue, 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel. (00995 32) 230045, 293375. Fax (00995 32) 235760
E-mail: info@gcci.ge Url: http://www.gcci.ge

Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists of Turkiye (TUSKON), (17 June 2008)
Merkez Mh. Abide-i Hurriyet Cad., Hanimefendi Sk. No : 135 / 4B Sisli / Istanbul 
Tel. 0212 368 81 10 (Pbx). Fax: 0 212 368 81 06
E-mail : info@tuskon.org Url: http://www.tuskon.org/?yenilisan=en

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), (15 September, 2008) 
23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003. 
Tel. (9111) 4629994, 4626164, 4366225. Fax (9111) 4626149, 4366311. 
E-mail: ciico@ciionline.org Url: http://www.ciionline.org 

The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (23 October 2008)
3rd Floor, ECC Building, 355 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City
Tel. (632)896-4549. Fax: (632)899-1727
E-mail : pcci@philippinechamber.com Url: http://www.philippinechamber.com

The Central Chamber of Commerce of Finland, (2 April 2009)
World Trade Center Helsinki, Aleksanterinkatu 17, P.O. Box 1000, 00101 Helsinki, Finland 
Tel. +358 9 4242 6200. Fax: +358 9 650 303
E-mail : keskuskauppakamari@chamber.fi Url: http://www.keskuskauppakamari.fi/en_GB/

The Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, (30 July 2009)
Commerce House, Level 3, 24 Brisbane Avenue, BARTON ACT 2600 
PO Box 6005, KINGSTON ACT 2604 
Tel. 61 2 6273 2311. Fax: 61 2 6273 3286
E-mail : info@acci.asn.au Url: http://www.acci.asn.au

Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers, (18 November 2009)
Wisma FMM, No. 3, Persiaran Dagang, PJU 9
Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel. 603-6276 1211. Fax: 603-6274 1266/7288
Url: http://www.fmm.org.my

Federation of UAE Chamber of Commerce & Industry, (27 April 2010)
P.O. Box 738 Fujairah, United Arab Emirates
Tel. +971 9 2222400. Fax: +971 9 2221464
E-mail : chamber@fujcci.ae
Url: http://www.fujcci.ae

World Trade Center Association, (12 January 2011)
420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 518 New York
NY 10179
Tel. +1-800 937-8886
E-mail : wtca@wtca.org
Url: http://www.wtcaonline.com

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, (25 July 2011)
109012 Moscow, St. Ilyinka, 6
Tel. +7 (495) 620-0009. Fax: +7 (495) 620-0360
Url: http://www.tpprf.ru/en

The Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, (2 August 2012)
MNCCI Building, Mahatma Gandhi street
1st khoroo, Khan-Uul district
Ulaanbaatar 17011, UB Post - 101011001
Tel. +976-11-327176. Fax: +976-11-324620
E-mail : chamber@mongolchamber.mn
Url: http://www.mongolchamber.mn/en/
The Chinese International Economic Cooperation Association, (5 October 2012)
2F, 83 Ba De Road, Sec. 4,
Taipei 10561, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel. 886-2-2742-5342
E-mail : service@cieca.org.tw
Url: www.cieca.org.tw/en/
Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA), (5 October 2012)
No. 175, Shahid Mousavi St.
Taleghani St. Tehran, Iran
Tel. +98 21 85732222
E-mail : info@iccima.ir
Url: https://en.iccima.ir

Cairo Chamber of Commerce, (27 May 2013)
Tel. 27958261/ 27958262 /27948491
E-mail : info@cairochamber.org.eg
Url: https://en.cairochamber.org.eg
London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, (30 May 2013)
33 Queen St, City of London, London
Tel. +44 (0) 20 7248 4444
E-mail : lc@londonchamber.co.uk
Url: https://www.londonchamber.co.uk
The Bhutan Chamber of Commerce & Industry, (11 August 2013)
Post Box: 147
Doybum Lam, Thimphu, Bhutan
Tel. +975-2-324254 / 322742. Fax: +975-2-323936
E-mail : bcci.adm@gmail.com
Url: http://www.bcci.org.bt

Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, (10 February 2015)
22/F United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong
Tel. (852) 2529 9229. Fax: (852) 2527 9843
E-mail : chamber@chamber.org.hk
Url: http://www.chamber.org.hk
China Chamber of Tourism, (19 July 2016)
Tel. .........................................
E-mail : ...................................
Url: ............................................

The Kowloon Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (KCC), (20 November 2017)
3/F ,Kowloon Chamber of Commerce Building, 2 Liberty Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel. (852) 27600393. Fax: (852) 27610166
E-mail : info@hkkcc.org.hk
Url: http://www.hkkcc.org.hk
The China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC), (November 2017)
Tel. (..........) ............................ 
E-mail : ............................
Url:  ............................
Small & Medium Business Corporation (SBC), (30 October 2018)
Dongjin Rd. 430, Jinju, Gyeongsangnam-do, 52851
Republic of Korea
Tel. (+82) 55-751-9677 . Fax: (+82) 55-751-9699
Url:  http://www.sbc.or.kr
Der Mittelstand. BVMW e.V. (BVMW), (2024)
(Eng. The German Associaton for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, "BVMW")
Potsdamer Str. 7, Berlin, Germany.
Tel. (+49) 30 5332060
E-mail : social.media@bvmw.de
Url:  https://bvmw.de

Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry, (24 April 2024)
P.O. Box : 402 Doha, Qatar.
Tel. (+974) 44559111
E-mail: info@qcci.org
Url:  www.qatarchamber.com/

Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM), (29 April 2024)
Wisma FMM
No. 3 Persiaran Dagang, PJU 9,
Bandar Sri Damansara,
52200 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel. (+603) 62867200
E-mail : webmaster@fmm.org.my
Url:  www.fmm.org.my

National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia, (29 April 2024)
Level 3, West Wing, Menara MATRADE
Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah,
50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel. (+603) 6204 9811
E-mail : enquiry@nccim.org.my
Url:  https://www.nccim.org.my/home


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