Sep 07, 2023
Announcement for IT Intern to work for;
Technical and Vocational Education and Training ( TEVT)  Partnership
through Employer led skills secretariat (a legacy of ELMS project)
The Employer-led Labor Market Secretariat (ELMS) in coordination with FNCCI, CNI, FNCSI, HAN, and FCAN successfully completed the ELMS Project supported by the British Council and implemented the Dakchyata project. The project has developed the institutional framework of the LMI secretariat of all 5 associations. 

The British Council and FNCCI (including CNI, FNCSI, FCAN, and HAN agree to continue ELMS legacy through the TEVT PPP project. This TVET partnership supportsthe quality and internationalization of TVET.  The meaningful engagement of the private sector is key for quality and market-relevant TEVT systems. The ELMS project has worked to incapacitate the private sector association on LMI. This is a long-term process and development patterns role is crucial in it. One of the main aims of this collaboration is to support the private sector on job market mish-matching through job portal development which employers and job seekers access as per their requirements.   

Hence, TEVT/PPP FNCCI invites applications for an internship opportunity for 3 months period.

Expected work from interns
> Ensuring the existing Job portal is technically ready for information input from employers and job seekers.
> Check and ensure the database is API-friendly. 
> Orient (physically visiting or virtually) the skill focal person (staff) from CNI, FNCSI, FCAN, and HAN on employers' data inputting.
> Make follow-up and provide technical support to the skilled focal person and ensure 200 demand side data inputted.
> Visit the places/projects/ offices where Job seeker data/information is available for API integration and do integration
> Develop a reporting system importing data in Excel and necessary tabulation

> Fresh IT bachelor student completed the campus study 
> Nepali citizen
> Willing to work for 3 months from the date of contract signing
> Having a valid two-wheeler driving license, and own motorbike, Laptop 

The interns will receive minimum basic remuneration as fixed by GON. Other official norms and practices will be as per FNCCI policy.

Interested applicants are requested to forward CV and an interest letter to by 15 Sep 2023.


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