May 14, 2019
भोलिदेखि काठमाडौंमा Nepal-India Franchise Investment Expo & Conclave (२०७६/०१/३१)

नेपाल उद्योग वाणिज्य महासंघ(एफएनसीसीआई) द्वारा भारतीय राजदूतावास र फ्रन्चाइज इण्डियाको सहकार्यमा भोलिदेखि काठमाडौमा Nepal-India Franchise Investment Expo & Conclave को आयोजना गरिने भएको छ ।  

कार्यक्रमको पहिलो दिन भोली विभिन्न विषयहरुमा दुवै देशका उद्यमी व्यवसायीहरुको सहभागितामा वृहद छलफल हुने छ । भोलीको पहिलो शत्रको The New Roadmap for Building Business  & Entrepreneurship in Nepal एफएनसीसीआईका उपाध्यक्ष एवं उद्यमी उमेशलाल श्रेष्ठ र फ्रेन्चाइज इण्डियाका सम्पादक रितु मारियाले, दोस्रो सत्रको  What Makes Nepal a Great Business Destination  विषयमा क्लव हिमालयका अध्यक्ष एवं पर्यटन व्यवसायी योगेन्द्र शाक्य, हाभेल्स इण्डिया लिमिटेडका अध्यक्ष अनिल भैसन, गयाम मोटर्स वक्र्सका प्रमुख कार्यकारि राजा गयाम, बान्धाम होटल एण्ड रिसोर्टसका वरिष्ठ निर्देशक (विकास) गोविन्द मुन्द्राले, तेस्रो शत्रको Business Opportunities in Retail Business विषयमा डा मिलानोका व्यवस्थापन निर्देशक शाहिल मलिक, लान्सकर्टका सहसंस्थापक अमित चौधरी, वेस्ट सेलर इण्डिका प्रताप स्वरुप, रिटेलले, चौथो शत्रमा Business Opportunities in Lifestyle and experiential Trade and services विषयमा टोटलका सीइओ शिक्षित भट्ट, सियाराम शिल्क मिल्सका उपाध्यक्ष जसभिन्दर अरोरा, यूक्लिनका संस्थापक अरूनभ सिंहा, फ्रेन्चाइज विजनेश ओपरेशनका क्षेत्रिय प्रमुख कपिलदेभ बुधराजाले र पाँचौं शत्रको  Ushering the New Retail Era विषयमा बबरमहल रिभिजिटेडका अध्यक्ष विराट शम्शेर जवरा, क्लोभियाका प्रमुख कार्यकारि पंकज भर्मानीले संबोधन गरी आ-आफ्ना व्यवसायिक अनुभव आदान प्रदान गर्नु हुनेछ । 

सम्मेलनको सम्माननीय प्रधानमन्त्रीज्यूबाट जेठ २ गते, एक विशेष समारोहका बीच काठमाडौंको होटल याक एण्ड यतिमा समुद्घाटन हुने कार्यत्रम छ । 

नेपाल र भारत बीच आपसी सम्बन्ध विस्तार र उद्यमशीलताको प्रवर्द्धन मार्फत बिभिन्न ब्रान्डहरूमा लगानी गर्ने अवसरहरू सिर्जन गर्ने उद्देश्यले सम्मेलन आयोजना गरिन लागेको हो । दुई दिनसम्म चल्ने सो कार्यक्रममा बिभिन्न राष्ट्रिय र अन्तराष्ट्रिय ब्रान्डहरूले एक्सपोमा आˆनो ब्रान्डहरूको प्रदर्शन गर्नेछन् । एक्सपोले व्यवसायमा सीधा र अप्रत्यक्ष रूपमा संलग्न भएका व्यक्तिहरूलाई सहभागी हुन समेत आकर्षित गर्नेछ भने व्यवसायिक संजाल विस्तार र लगानी आकर्षणमा समेत यो कार्यक्रम महत्वपूर्ण माध्यम बन्न सक्ने विश्वास प्रकट गरिएको छ । एक्सपोमा बिभिन्न ब्रान्डहरू जस्तै रिटेल, शिक्षा, फिटनेस, फेशन, फुड र बिभेरेज, रियल एस्टेट, टेक्नोलोजी र अन्य व्यवसायहरू रहने छन् ।

सम्मेलनमा मुख्यतः अन्तराष्ट्रिय मार्केटमा आफ्नो विशिष्ट पहिचान बनाएका ब्रान्डहरूमा लगानी गर्ने रूची रहेका लगानीकर्ताहरूको सहभागिता हुनेछ । एक्सपोमा नेपालबाट अग्नि ग्रुप, टीव्रेवाला ग्रुप, मेरो घर, सीटी ड्रीम्स, सांग्रिला, हिमालयन जाभा, गोल्डस्टार, अल्पाइन पश्मिना (च्याङग्रा) हाउस प्रा.लि. शभा नेपाल र श्रीजयकाली जडीवूटी लगायतका कम्पनीहरूको सहभागिता रहने छ । त्यसैगरी भारतीय व्राण्डहरूमा नाइन कीड्स, अमेरिकन स्कूल, वेस्ट सेलर, वाइक स्टूडियो, बम्वे डाइङ, क्याप, चाए गरम, कपर चिम्नी, यूक्लिन लगायतका रहने छन् । कार्यक्रममा दुवै देशका गरी करिव ६० वटा व्राण्डहरूले भाग लिनेछन् । 

कार्यक्रमको पहिलो दिन नेपालमा व्यवसाय र उद्यमशीलता विकासका लागि नयाँ मार्गचित्र, नेपाललाई केले विशाल व्यवसायिक गन्तव्य बनाउन सक्छ, खुद्रा व्यवसायमा व्यवसायिक अवसरहरू लगायतका पाँच विभिन्न विषयमा दुवै देशका सफल व्यवसायीहरूले आ-आफ्ना अनुभवहरू आदानप्रदान गर्ने छन् ।   

उक्त सम्मेलनलाई विशेषगरि एक्सपो र कन्क्लेभ गरि दुई भागमा व्यवस्थापन गरिएको छ । जस अनुसार २ सय पचास इच्छुक व्यवसायी र लगानीकर्ता कन्क्लेभमा र करिव एक हजार एक्सपोमा सहभागी हुने लक्ष्य राखिएको छ ।

कार्यक्रमलाई अग्नी इन्कर्पोरेटेडले मुख्य प्रायोजन गरेको छ भने प्लाटिनम स्पोन्सर टीव्रेवाला, गोल्ड स्पोन्सर मेरो घरर जीएमआर, सिल्भर स्पोन्सर नेपाल एसवीआई र सीटीअफ ड्रीम्स, ब्रोन्ज स्पोन्सरमा साङग्रीला चप्पल रहेका छन् । 
आज आयोजित पत्रकार सम्मेलनलाई संवोधन गर्नुहुँदै आयोजक एफएनसीसीआईका अध्यक्ष भवानी राणाले उद्यमशीलतामा ईच्छुक र व्यवसायीक अवसरहरूमा लगानी गर्न रूची भएका अन्तराष्ट्रिय ब्राण्डहरूसँग सहकार्यको अवसर खोजीरहेकाहरूका लागि ध्यानमा राखी महासंघले यो सम्मेलन आयोजना गर्ने जमर्को गरेको बताउनु भयो । उहाँले नेपालमा रहेका व्यवसायीहरूलाई अन्तराष्ट्रिय नेटवर्क बढाउनका लागि सहायता  र सजिलो गेटवेको प्रारम्भ गर्न महासंघको सदैव सहयोग रहने समेत उल्लेख गर्नु भयो ।

कार्यक्रमा भारतीय राजदुतावासका कमर्स सेक्रेटरी कपिलध्वज प्रताप सिंहले नेपालको आर्थिक व्यवसायिक विकासको अभियानमा सहयोग पुर्‍याउने प्रयास स्वरुप भारतीय राजदूतावास, फ्रेन्चाइज इण्डिया र महासंघको पहलमा यो कार्यक्रम आयोजना हुन लागेको स्पष्ट पार्नुभयो । उहाँले विश्वकै सर्वोत्कृष्ट ब्रान्डको प्रयोग गर्ने अत्यधिक इच्छा नेपाली ग्राहकहरूमा रहेको र नेपालको अर्थव्यवस्था समेत बढ्दै गएकाले नेपालमा रहेका व्यवसायहरूले यहाँको मार्केटमा यस्तै ब्रान्डहरू उपलब्ध गराउन आवश्यक रहेको बताउनु भयो । 

महासंघका उपाध्यक्ष उमेशलाल श्रेष्ठले धन्यवाद मन्तव्य दिनु भएको सो कार्यक्रममा फ्रेन्चाइज इण्डियाका सीइओ सचिन मार्याले महासंघसंग मिलेर नेपालमा कार्यक्रम गर्न पाएकोमा खुशी प्रकट गर्दै नेपाली ब्राण्डहरुलाई इण्डियामा वोलाएर यस्तै कार्यक्रम आयोजना गर्ने योजना रहेको जानकारी गराउनु भयो । साथै उहांले यस्ता कार्यक्रमले नेपालमा प्रविधि,शीप तथा अन्तराष्ट्रिय फ्रेन्चाइज ल्याउन समेत सहयोग पुर्‍याउने विश्वास प्रकट गर्नुभयो ।  

दुई दिनसम्म चल्ने ऊक्त कार्यत्रमबाट नेपालमा अन्तराष्ट्रिय ब्राण्डहरूको आकर्षण,  व्यवसायिक सम्बन्ध विस्तार, अन्तराष्ट्रिय ब्राण्डहरूसंग नेपाली ब्राण्डहरूको सहकार्यको सम्भाव्यता, नेपाली ब्राण्डहरूलाई स्तरोन्ती गर्न सहयोग पुग्ने, प्रविधि, शीप तथा विकासको मोडल भित्रन सक्ने, लगानीको वातावरण बन्ने र रोजगारी सृजनामा सहयोग पुग्ने विश्वास गरिएको छ । 

English Version

Nepal–India Franchise Investment Expo & Conclave’ is set to be organized by FNCCI from Tomorrow

15th-16th May 2019,Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu, Nepal.

FNCCI is organizing"Nepal-India Franchise Investment Expo &Conclave"in association with Embassy of India and Franchise India from May15 to 16, 2019,at Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu, Nepal. The organizers have shared that Rt. Honorable Prime Minister, Mr. K P Sharma Oli, will grace the event to inaugurate on May 16, 2019.

According to the organizers, this event primarily focuses on building the relations between India and Nepal through entrepreneurship development which entertains in depth regarding investment, brand concept and business operations. India-Nepal Franchise Investment Expo will be the premier exhibition showcasing a myriad mix of international and national brands from different industries outlining their brand concept and business operations, focusing on master franchising or unit franchise. The expo is expected to attract the audiences who are directly or indirectly involved in business operations.
A total of 60 companies from Nepal and India will be showcasing their brands out of which 10 brands will be from Nepal. Agni Group, Tibrewala Group, Mero Ghar, City of Dreams, Shangrila Footwears, Himalayan Java, Goldstar, Alpine Pashmina (Chyangra) House, Sabah Nepal and Shree Jayakali Jadibuti will be exhibiting at Nepal Pavilion at the expo. At the other end of the spectrum, well-known Indian brands such as 9 Kids, American School, Best Seller, Bike Studio, Bombay Dying, CAP, Chai Garam, Copper Chimney, UClean and others will be exhibiting their business and extending franchising opportunities for Nepalese Investors.

The organizers expect the participation of diverse personalities who are prospective franchisee, high net worth investor seeking international master franchisors to expand their business. Entrepreneurs wanting to explore scalable, fast growth and low risk business opportunities. It also focuses for those corporate professionals who are looking at accessible entrepreneurial business model. Potential franchisors who are looking for expansion in local or global market through franchising. Existing franchisor’s seeking for new industry brand and practices to improve franchise recruitment and business performance.
The first day of the event primarily focuses on important topics like; The New Road map for Building Business& Entrepreneurship in Nepal, What makes Nepal Great Business Destination, Business Opportunities in Retail Business, Business Opportunities in Lifestyle and Experiential Trade and Services, &Ushering the New Retail Era, in a conclave format where speakers from Nepal and India share their insights. Mr. Umesh Lal Shrestha, Vice-President of FNCCI; Mr. Sixit Bhatta, CEO of Tootle; Mr. Yogendra Shakya, Chairman of Club Himalaya; and Mr. Virat SJB Rana, Managing Director,Babermahal Vilas will be the key speakers from Nepal. Similarly, Ritu Marya, Editor-in-Chief, Franchise India; Anil Bhasin, President, Havells India Ltd; Gayam Raja, Chief Executive Officer, Gayam Motor Works; Govind Mundra, Senior Director Development – Eurasia, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts; Sahil Malik, Managing Director, Da Milano; Amit Chaudhary, Co-Founder, Lenskart Pratap Swarup, CFO, Bestseller India; Jasvinder Arora, Asst Vice President-Retail, Siyaram Silk Mills; Arunabh Sinha, Founder, UClean; Kapil Dev Budhraja, Zonal Head- Franchise Business Operations (North), Mahindra First Choice Services Ltd; and Pankaj Vermani, Founder & CEO, Clovia will be the key speakers from India.

The program is being presented by Agni Incorporated. They are the lead sponsors followed by Tibrewala Group as Premier Sponsors. The gold sponsors for the event are Mero Ghar and GMR Group, silver sponsors are Nepal SBI and City of Dreams and Shangria Footwears are the Bronze sponsor for the event.
According to FNCCI, 250 aspiring businesspersons and investors will attend the conclave and 1000+ prospective franchisees and investors are expected to visit this expo which will showcase different brands representing different industries such as retails, education, fitness, fashion, food and beverages, wellness, real estate, technology and services. The participants of this investment expo will build trust, knowledge of franchisor and franchise.

According to H.E. Mr. Manjeev Singh Puri, Ambassador of India to Nepal, “Similar to India, Nepali economy is increasingly being fueled by highly aspiring Nepali consumers who expect nothing short of world’s best when it comes to their brand consumption. It is important for businesses in Nepal to cater to this aspiring target segment of consumers and Summits of this nature will help in bringing the leading Indian iconic brands to Nepal.  Their entry into Nepal would not only bring investment into Nepal but also technology transfers and business knowhow.  I am happy that the Embassy of India in Kathmandu is facilitating this cooperation between such leading Indian brands through Franchise India and the Nepali business through FNCCI.”

Speaking at the press meet, Ms Bhawani Rana, President of FNCCI said that “With this initiation FNCCI expects to introduce new investment opportunities to Nepalese market for those who are interested to establish their venture and invest in business opportunities. One of the core areas of this event is to focus for networking between investors of Nepal and India."This will definitely explore new business through exchange of information and collaboration under one roof with joint efforts. At the other end of the spectrum, FNCCI is also targeting to support Nepalese businesses to establish and maintain international net work that will facilitate their gateway to international market, President Ms Rana hoped.”

This investment expo certainly will help to gain the exposure to new strategic concept and wide range of knowledge and thoughts from leaders that will make difference in the economy of the nation. Franchises frequently have an established reputation and image, proven management and work practices, access to national advertising and ongoing support.

According to Mr. Gaurav Marya, Chairman of Franchise India, “Franchise India is excited to join hands with FNCCI under the patronage of Embassy of India, Kathmandu, Nepal, with as strong a focus on encouraging entrepreneurship in Nepal on one hand and helping Indian businesses to expand and invest in Nepal market. Consumerism is rising in Nepal and people are building greater brand affinity.  The relevance of franchising and its power to leverage entrepreneurial resources to build growth in Nepal is strongest in today's times. The show will have diverse business zones will showcase over 100+ business opportunities across food & beverage, retail, consumer services, beauty & wellness, education, fashion and product distribution businesses coming from leading Indian brands.”

The organizers also commented that the exhibiting different industries' brands will help to establish a powerful networking opportunities to those who are on the lookout for investment. The expo will provide benefits to extensive networking with face-to-face contacts excellent opportunities to access and evaluate prospective partners and form strategic alliances.

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