Economic Indicators of Nepal
(in Summary)


Economic Overview:
In FY 2019/20, Nepal's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is estimated to have grown by 2.28 percent. Agriculture sector estimated to grow 2.59 percent. Likewise, industry and service sectors estimated to grow 3.23 percent and 1.99 percent respectively. Share of agriculture, industry and service sectors in GDP stands 27.65 percent, 14.27 percent and 58.08 percent respectively in 2019/20.

For further details:

Foreign Trade:
In fiscal year 2019/20, exports increased 0.6 percent to Rs.97.71 billion compared to an increase of 19.4 percent in 2018/19. In four months of 2020/21, exports increased 10.8 percent to Rs.40.20 billion compared to an increase of 23.9 percent in the same period of the previous year.
Likewise, in fiscal year 2019/20, imports decreased by 15.6 percent to Rs.1196.8 billion against an increase of 13.9 percent in the previous year. In four months of 2020/21, imports decreased 10.6 percent to Rs.402.49 billion compared to a decrease of 6.9 percent in the same period of previous fiscal year.

For further details:

(Content compiled on 31 December 2020 | by Udaya Bohara, FNCCI |

Industry Statistics (of Nepal):   View
(Source: Department of Industry website:
Economic Indicators (of Nepal):  View
(Source: Cenral Bureau of Statistics website- National Accounts:
  • Gross Output by Industrial Division (at Current Prices) 
  • Annual Growth Rate of GDP by Economic Activities  (at constant Prices) 
  • Intermediate Consumption by Industrial Division 
  • Gross Value Added by Industrial Division 
  • Gross Domestic Product: Expenditure Category (at current prices) 
  • Gross Domestic Product: Expenditure Category (at constant prices) 
  • Composition of Gross Domestic Product by ISIC Division (at current prices) 
  • Gross National Disposable Income and Saving (at current prices) 
  • Summary of Macro Economic Indicators 
  • GDP, GDP Growth Rate, Deflators and composition by Broad Industry Group 
  • Gross Domestic Product Deflator by Industry Group 
  • Foreign Trade Balance of Nepal
  • Total Exports of Some Major Commodities
  • Total Imports of Some Major Commodities
  • Major Trading Partners of Nepal​

Tourism Statistics of Nepal (and other publications):  View
(Source: Ministry of Tourism website-  Pulbications-
  • Nepal Tourism Facts 2019
  • Nepal Tourism statistics 2019 *
  • Tourist Arrival by Nationality 
  • Tourist Arrival and Length of Stay 
  • Number of Tourist by Purpose of Visit 
  • Tourist Arrival by Age and Sex 

From Central Bureau of Statistics of Nepal


Nepal Standard Industrial Classification (NSIC) (in Nepali language):

Sectoral Statistics:

(Content updated on 31 December 2020 |  by: Arun Shrestha, FNCCI | ) 

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