FNCCI Executive Committee Member (2011-2014)
Office Bearers |
Mr. Suraj Vaidya
Vaidya's Organisation of Industries and Trading House (VOITH)
P.O. Box 233, Sinamangal, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4478301-6 (Off) / 4373994 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4487567, 4497892
E-mail: surajvaidya14@gmail.com; sur@voith.com.np; president@voith.com.np
Website: http://www.voith.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Industry: Agriculture and agro products, tea, construction, authorised workshop of Toyota vehicle etc.
Business: Automobiles, authorised dealer for Toyota, fertilizers, heavy equipments, construction materials and aviation equipments.

| |
Immediate Past President
Mr. Kush Kumar Joshi
Nepal Ekarat Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Jaycees Marg, Thapathali
P.O. Box 1939, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4243436 / 4244857 (Off) 5535530 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4253612
E-mail: kush.kumar.joshi@gmail.com
Website: http://www.neek-transformer.com
Areas of Activity:
Manufacturer of Electrical transformers, wooden poles, HV/LV transmission line and HV/LV sub-station construction, electrical and mechanical engineering business etc.

| |
Senior Vice President
Mr. Bhaskar Raj Rajkarnikar
Avenues Television Pvt. Ltd.
P.O. Box 10108
Avenues Plaza
P.O. Box 8099
Tripureswor, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4230294, 4227222 (Off) / 4245771 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4248811, 4251055
E-mail: bhaskar@avenues.tv
Website: http://www.avenues.tv
Areas of Activity:
Broadcasting, avertising, event and exhibition management, media buying house, public relation.

| |
Vice President (Industry Commerce)
Mrs. Bhawani Rana
Hotel Sneha Pvt. Ltd.
PO Box 48
Surkhet Road, Nepalgunj-13
Tel: (00977-1) 5545059 (Off) / 5525579 (Resi)
E-mail: bhawanirana69@gmail.com
Areas of Activity:
Hotel, travel & tours, cargo, craft village, agro.

| |
Vice President (Commodity)
Mr. Pradeep Jung Pandey
Lomus Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
Lomus House, P.O. Box 4506
Kailash Chour, Lazimpat, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4436396, 4420060 (Off) 4412001, 4439855(Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4436395
E-mail: lomus@ntc.net.np; info@lomus.com.np
Website: http://www.lomus.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Manufacturers of pharmaceutical products and herbal medicine, cement manfacturing, financial institutions & commercial bank, hydropower development, data record company, investment, export & import.

| |
Vice President (Associate)
Mr. Pashupati Murarka
Murarka Organisation
GPO Box 3114
Prashuti Griha Marg, Thapathali, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4260810, 4260910 (Off) / 4223937 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4260809
E-mail: pashupati@murarkagroup.com
Website: http://www.murarkagroup.com
Areas of Activity:
Production of paints, steel, cement, vegetable ghee, edible oil, iron rod, angles, GI wire, HB wire, hydropower and banking.

| |
Sectoral Committee Chairpersons / Standanding Committee Members (in alphabetical order) |
Chairperson: Export Promotion Committee
Mr. Anup Bahadur Malla
Nepal Kangri Carpet Industry P. Ltd.
98/14 Ka, Baburam Acharya Road
Sinamangal, Kathmandu-9
Tel: (00977-1) 4494952, 4497846 (Off) 4496486 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4472670
E-mail: kangri@wlink.com.np; anupmalla@gmail.com
Website : http://www.kangrigroup.com
Areas of Activity:
Carpet manufacturing and export, printing press, investment fund.

| |
Chairperson: Tourism & Air Transport Committee
Mr. B.K. Shrestha
Himalayan Feeds (P) Ltd.
Radisson Hotel
P.O. Box 324, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4488011, 4494145, 4228485, 4411818 (Off) / 4494510, 4422330 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4411720 / 4224001
E-mail: bks@radkat.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Travel trade and hotel.

| |
Chairperson: ICT Development Committee
Mr. Biplav Man Singh
Mandala System Pvt. Ltd.
P O Box 4982
235/39 Dhobidhara Marg
Tel: (00977-1) 4228968, 4227614 (Off) / 4255777(Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4230744
E-mail: biplav_singh@yahoo.com
Areas of Activity:

| |
Chairperson: Women Entrepreneurs Development Committee
Ms. Chhaya Sharma
Federation of Women Entrepreneurs Association of Nepal (FWEAN)
Ramshah Path, Putalisadak, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 2003080 (Off) / 6321201 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4239942
E-mail: fwean.info@gmail.com
Areas of Activity:

| |
Chairperson: One District One Product Committee
Mr. D.B. Basnet
Dolkha Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Ward # 1, Charikot, Dolkha
Quick Separation Pvt. Ltd.
Tel: (00977) 01-4435282, 4600531 (Off) / 4600531 (Resi)
Fax: (00977) 01-4600531 (Off)
E-mail: dbbasnet2000@yahoo.com
Areas of Activity:
Oil store, medical distributor, dairy industry and printing & separation, bank and finance.

| |
Chairperson: Industry Committee
Mr. Dinesh Shrestha
Nepal Stationery & Educational Materials Industries Association
Pacific Building, Putalisadak
PO Box 1011, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4430609 (Off) / 4278721 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4430892
E-mail: dinesh@pacific-nepal.com
Website: http://www.pacific-nepal.com
Areas of Activity:
Stationery, educational materials manufacturer, importer of office equipments, medical equipments, R&D machine, chemicals, trading house.

| |
Chairperson: Surface Transport & Transit Committee
Mr. Gun Nidhi Tiwari
Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Nawalparasi
Palhi Store
Ram Gram NP - 5
Parasi, Nawalparasi
Tel: (00977) 078-520124, 520774
Fax: (00977) 078-520012
E-mail: tiwarigunnidhi@yahoo.com
Areas of Activity:
Petroleum and constructions.

| |
Chairperson: Energy Committee
Er. Gyanendra Lal Pradhan
Hydro Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Thulo Bharyang, Swayambhu-15
PO Box 19554, Kathmandu.
Tel: (00977-1) 4033750-54 (Off) / 4434034 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4033755
E-mail: glp2067@gmail.com; info@hydrosolutions.com.np
Website: http://www.hydrosolutions.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Hydropower development, owner, hydro mechanical, electro mechanical, engineering, construction, manufacturing industries, real estate, housing.

| |
Chairperson: Branding and Income Generation Committee
Mr. Kalyan Krishna Tamrakar
Lalitpur Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Cottage Craft
Neromill Pvt. Ltd.
Patan Industrial Estate, Factory No. 08, Lagankhel, Lalitpur
Tel: (00977-1) 5536209, 5521503
Fax: (00977-1) 5551244
E-mail: tamrakarkalyan@gmail.com; kalyan@thesingingbowls.com
Website: http://www.thesingingbowls.com
Areas of Activity:
Manufacturer and Exporter of Nepalese Handicrafts, specialised in Singing Bowls, Bells and Cymbals.

| |
Chairperson: Public Private Partnership Committee
Mr. Krishna Prasad Sharma
Jay Trade Center
Tel: (00977-71) 523785 (Off) / 520643 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-71) 520151
E-mail: krishnafncci@yahoo.com
Areas of Activity:
Petrolium and construction.

| |
Chairperson: Cottage & Small Scale Industry Committee
Mr. Lok Vikram Thapa
Janaki Saw Mills
Mahendranagar Municipality, Ward # 6
Tel: (00977) 099-525017, 01-4362132(Off) / 099-525017 / 01-4360045 (Resi)
Fax: (00977) 099-522220, 4362132
E-mail: lokvikram@yahoo.com
Areas of Activity:
Event management, purchase and sale of timber and miscellaneous trading.

| |
Chairperson: Productivity & Quality Committee
Mr. Saurabh Jyoti
Syakar Co. Ltd.
Jyoti Bhawan, Kantipath
PO Box 133, Kathmandu.
Tel: (00977-1) 4225490 (Off) / 4221290 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4226314
E-mail: jyotisau@gmail.com
Website: http://www.jyotigroup.org
Areas of Activity:
Manufacturing : Steel Wires, Oxygen, Spinning Mill
Trading: Automobile, Lubricants, Spare Parts
Services: Finance Company, Travel Agency, Hydropower

| |
Chairperson: Trade Committee
Mr. Shanker Prasad Pandeya
Nepal Pashmina Industries Association
Sagarmatha Silks
PO Box 5118, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4107300 (Off) / 4107095 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4107303
E-mail: himal@silks.wlink.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Export Special Pashmina and Silk, Agro Business, Tours & Travels.

| |
Chairperson: Banking, Finance & Insurance Committee
Mr. Shekhar Golchha
Him Electronics (P) Ltd.
Golchha House, Ganabahal
P.O. Box 363, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4250001 (Off) / 4267612 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4249723
E-mail: shekhar@golchha.com
Areas of Activity:
Manufacturer of Galvanised Steel Pipes, Hollow & Open Section, Stainless Steel, Kichenware, Tableware, Water Filter, Furniture, Steel Wires, Pulp and Paper, Colour & B/W Television, Motor Vehicles, Engineering Services, Insurance, Banking, Finance, Leasing & Export-Import.

| |
Sectoral Forum Coordinators (in alphabetical order) |
Coordinator: Culture & Entertainment Development Forum
Mr. Ashok Sharma
Nepal Film Producers Association
Shova Complex, Naxal, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4440095 (Off) / 4445759 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4011517
E-mail: ashok@dcn.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Film acting, production, director and exhibition networking.

| |
Coordinator: Sick Industry Rehabilitation Forum
Mr. Birat Thapa
Leather Goods & Footwear Manufacturers Association of Nepal
P.O. Box 1887, Kathmandu.
Tel: (00977-1) 4413441
Fax: (00977-1) 4412725
E-mail: fitriteshoes@gmail.com
Areas of Activity:
Manufacturer of leather footwear and retailing, leather processing.

| |
Coordinator: Investment Promotion Forum
Mr. Chandra Prasad Dhakal
Nepal Malaysia Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Tridevi Marg, Thamel
P O Box 4293, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4430600(Off) / 4357457 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4425800
E-mail: chandra@imeremit.com
Areas of Activity:
Banking, Finance, Remittance, Hydropower etc.

| |
Coordinator: Social Service Forum
Mr. Nanda Kishor Shrestha
Nepal Printers' Association
Balkhu, Madannagar, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977) 4242071, 4240571 (Off) / 4480451 (Resi)
Fax: (00977) 4241389
E-mail: ossccnp@gmail.com
Areas of Activity:
Printing, finance, real estate, social work.

| |
Coordinator: Janakpur Development Forum
Mr. Nirmal Kumar Chaudhary
Suppliers 2001
Old Market, Kanakpurdham
Tel: (00977-41) 527153
Fax: (00977-41) 520718
E-mail: .................
Areas of Activity:
Lubricants, Vehicle, Machinery Parts, Hardware, Cement etc.

| |
Coordinator: Urban Development Forum
Mr. Om Bahadur Rajbhandari
Brihat Investments Pvt. Ltd.
TCH Tower IV, Ground Floor, Block A
Sitapailla, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4286821, 4282086 (Off) / 4033316(Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4288820 (Off) / 4033317 (Resi)
E-mail: om@enet.com.np; info@brihatinvestments.com
Areas of Activity:
Real Estate.

| |
Coordinator: Trade School Forum
Mr. Prakash Bahadur Saud
Dadeldhura Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Amargadhi 5, Bagbazar
Tel: (00977-96) 420611
Fax: (00977-96) 420611
E-mail: dcci.dadeldhura@gmail.com
Areas of Activity:
Agriculture, construction, bee farming and hospital.

| |
Coordinator: Environment Forum
Mr. Sanjay Giri
Nepal Leather Industries Association
House No. 258, Rudranagar Marg
Ratopul, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4785263 (Off) / 4468993 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4410550
E-mail: giris@wlink.com.np; giris4@hotmail.com
Areas of Activity:
Leather industry, hotel, food and catering.

| |
Sectoral Committee Co-Chairpersons(in alphabetical order) |
Co-Chairperson: One District One Product Committee
Mr. Damodar Acharya
Nepalgunj Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Acharya Emporium
Gharbaritole, Nepalgunj
Tel: (00977) 81-521108 (Off) / 81-525663
Fax: (00977) 81-522736
E-mail: damodaracharya0@gmail.com
Areas of Activity:

| |
Co-Chairperson: Cottage & Small Scale Industry Committee
Mr. Keshav Raj Pandey
Evergreen Trade Concern
Mechinagar-10, Kakarvitta, Jhapa, Nepal
Tel: (00977-23) 562634, 562363 (Off) / 563235 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-23) 562825
E-mail: etc.kpandey@yahoo.com
Areas of Activity:
Trading Business

| |
Co-Chairperson: Trade Committee
Mr. Madan Lal Joshi
Furniture Land Store Pvt. Ltd.
Blue Bird Complex, Tripureswor
Tel: (00977-1) 4224797, 4100549 (Off) / 5536622 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4224797
E-mail: madanjsh@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.furnitureland.com
Areas of Activity:
Imported furniture retailing.

| |
Vice-Chairman: Employers' Council
Mr. Manish Kumar Agrawal
H.P. Agrawal Group of Companies
P.O. Box 8033
Tahachal Bagaicha Marg, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4273401, 4273402 (Off) / 4273057 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4270082
E-mail: skor@ntc.net.np; agrimpex@mos.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Sugar industry, vegetable ghee, woven fabrics / sacks, wheat flour, pulses, soap, rectified spirit (RS), distillery, quality liquor, palm oil, soyabean oil, pamoline.

| |
Co-Chairperson: One District One Product Committee
Mr. Min Bahadur Shrestha
Sindhuli Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Anajana Store and General Suppliers
Kamalamai Municipality
Ward No. 6, Loktantrik Chaur, Sindhuli
Tel: (00977-47) 520609 (Off) / 047-520113 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-47) 520249
E-mail: sindhulicci@live.com
Areas of Activity:
Trading, construction & social work.

| |
Co-Chairperson: Trade Committee
Mr. Om Prakash Bansal
Madhu Foods Pvt. Ltd.
Kuleshwar Naya Basti, Link Marg
PO Box 11482, Kathmandu-14
Tel: (00977-1) 4272838(Off) / 4278087(Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4672384
E-mail: omprakashbansal651@gmail.com
Areas of Activity:
Food grains, rice, sugar and other food items.

| |
Co-Chairperson: Surface Transport & Transit Committee
Mr. Rajan Sharma
Nepal Freight Forwarders Association
Anand Bhairav Marg, Gyaneshowr
GPO Box 20025, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4414746, 4430817 (Off) / 4437291 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4416492
E-mail: qfs@mail.com.np, neffa@mos.com.np
Website: http://www.qfs.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Freight Forwarding, Logistic Service Provider, Trainer in Various Faculties, Export / Import, Training Institute, Banking, Travel Agency, Business Consultancy and Research.

| |
Co-Chairperson: Export Promotion Committee
Mr. Ram Chandra Sanghai
Annapurna Vegetable Products Pvt. Ltd.
Triveni Complex, 7th Floor
1951 Ram Shah Path, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4224074 (Off) / 4422968 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4240780
E-mail: rc.sanghai@trivenionline.com
Website: http://www.trivenionline.com
Areas of Activity:
Textile, Cement, Tea, LPG Gas, Oxygen Gas, Fixed Supliment, Solvent, Edible Oil, Cosmetics, Hydro Energy, Synthetic Yarn, Import & Export, Sugar, Multiplex (Mull), Retail Super Store, etc.

| |
Co-Chairperson: Industry Committee
Mr. Shanker Shrestha
Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Butwal
Udyog Banijya Marg, Kalikapath
Tel: (00977-71) 544746, 541346 (Off) / 543229 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-71) 540146
E-mail: butwalgas.pvt@hotmail.com
Areas of Activity:
Trading, petrochemicals, transportation, gas.

| |
Co-Chairperson: Tax and Revenue Committee (Custom)
Mr. Udaya Raj Pandey
Garment Association of Nepal
PO Box 2517, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4780691, 4780773 (Off) / 4436352 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4780173 (Off) / 4429024 (Resi)
E-mail: urpandey1@gmail.com; ganasso2011@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ganasso.org
Areas of Activity:
Education, Garment, Investment and Trading.

| |
Co-Chairperson: Tax and Revenue Committee (Income Tax & VAT)
Mr. Vijay Singh Badiya
Maruti Nandan Rolling Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Shalimar Group
Tel: (00977-1) 4424071, 4426339
Fax: (00977-1) 4425142
E-mail: vijay.baidya@shalimar.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Manufacturers of Cement, Metal, Rebars, Paints, Copper Brass Sheet and Utensils

| |
Executive Committee Members |
Mr. Ang Gelbu (AG) Sherpa
Mountain Carpet
P.O. Box 759, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4423092, 4411808
Fax: (00977-1) 4423092
E-mail: agsherpa@hotmail.com
Areas of Activity:
Manufacturer and exporter of carpets and tourism.

| |
Mr. Anjan Shrestha
Sujal Foods Pvt. Ltd.
1333, Devkota Marg
Old Baneswor, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4460712, 4480201 (Off) 4423008, 4437158 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4460781
E-mail: anjan@sujal.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Confectionery, dairy, plastics and auto trading.

| |
Mr. Arun Raj Sumargi
Makawanpur Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Chamber Marg-2, Hetauda
Tel: (00977-57) 520310, 521260, 523310
Fax: (00977-57) 521110
E-mail: infomcci@ntc.net.np
Areas of Activity:

| |
Mr. Ashok Kumar Todi
Hanuman Metals Pvt. Ltd.
P.O. Box 623
1st Floor, Radhakuti Arcade
Putalisadak, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4411187, 4412268 (Off) / 4414755 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4412268
E-mail: ashok@mcnepal.com
Areas of Activity:
Brass, copper metal utensil, packaging material, katha (catechu).

| |
Mr. Bhushan Rajlawot
Shuvechhya Enterprises
Bhagawati Tole, Tansen-8, Palpa
Tel: (00977-75) 520196, 520133 (Off) / 520915(Resi)
Fax: (00977-75) 521325
E-mail: pcci_palpa@ntc.net.np
Areas of Activity:

| |
Mr. Bishnu Bahadur Khatri
Sindhupalchowk Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Contact Off:
Opposite of BRN Tower, Mahaboudha
PO Box 26121, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4216444 (Off) / 4890310 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4232675 (Off) / 4890268 (Resi)
E-mail: halesi@mos.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Exporter and importer of Chinese goods.

| |
Mr. Chop Narayan Shrestha
Waling Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Narayan Industries (P) Ltd.
Siddhartha Road, Butwal 6
Tel: (00977) 071-540178 (Off) / 071-541256 (Resi)
Fax: (00977) 071-541269
E-mail: narayangroup@hons.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Chappal industries, transport, petrol pump, match factory, finance, banker.

| |
Mr. Dil Sundar Shrestha
Dhulikhel Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Dhulikhel-3, Kavre
Tel: (00977-11) 490520
Fax: (00977-11) 490520
E-mail: dccidhulikhel@yahoo.com
Areas of Activity:

| |
Mr. Dhruba Kumar Shrestha
Panchakanya Group
Krishna Galli, Pulchowk, Lalitpur
P.O. Box 2743, Kathmandu
Tel: 5526551, 5526357
Fax: 977-1-5526529
E-mail: steel@panchakanya.com.np
Website: http://www.panchakanya.com
Kotihawa, Bhairahawa, Lumbini Zone
Tel: (00977) 071-560368 / 560571 / 560572
Fax: (00977) 071-560574
E-mail: steel@panchakanyabhw.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Ready-mix Concrete, Windows Profile, Wires, Nails, Import Export, Bitumen & Emulsion, Housing, Real Estate etc..

| |
Mr. Dhruba Raj Shrestha
Metro Auto World
Gorahi, Dang
Tel: (00977) 82-560113 (Off)
Fax: (00977) 82-560313
E-mail: dangcci@yahoo.com
Areas of Activity:
Trading and automobile.

| |
Mr. Dipak Lamsal
Syangja Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Putali Bazar Municipality, Syangja
Tel: (00977) 63-420240 (Off) / 63-420490(Resi)
Fax: (00977) 63-420552, 420490
E-mail: syangjacci@gmail.com
Areas of Activity:
Trading Business.

| |
Mr. Dipendra Kumar Khatri
Tulsipur Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Tulsipur Municipality 5, Dang
Tel: (00977) 82-520893
Fax: (00977) 82-520176
E-mail: tcci_dang@yahoo.com
Areas of Activity:
Trading Business.

| |
Mr. Gopal Hamal
Dinesh Agro Industries
Tel: (00977-91) 520572, 526738, 520361 (Off) / 523607 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-91) 524654
E-mail: gopalhamal@yahoo.com; contact@dineshfm.com
Areas of Activity:
Medicine distributor, Automobiles distributor, Media, Hotel, Agro industries.

| |
Mr. Hom Narayan Shrestha
Parbat Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Sivalaya 8, Kusma Bazar, Parbat.
Tel: (00977) 67-420156
Fax: (00977) 67-420156
E-mail: pccikusma@ntc.net.np
Areas of Activity:
Banking & Trading.

| |
Mr. Jen Shrestha
NB Group (Nepal) Pvt. Ltd.
PO Box 476, Kathmandu - 31
Tel: (00977-1) 4225271 (Off) / 5014508(Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4229963
E-mail: jenshrestha@gmail.com; jen@nbgroup.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Major investments, developers, promoters of banks and financial institution, hydropower, insurance companies and tourism sectors

| |
Ms. Kamala Shrestha
Beautician Professional Association of Nepal
New Plaza
P O Box 1552, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 5551614
Fax: (00977-1) 5543553
E-mail: kamala@mos.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Beauty Parlor.

| |
Mr. Kishore Kumar Pradhan
Birat Pharma Lab (P) Ltd.
P.O. Box 17, Biratnagar 13
Tel: (00977) 021-521925 / 530550 / 01-5534269 (Off) / 021-527144 (Resi)
Fax: (00977) 021-527082
E-mail: reenakishore@hotmail.com
Areas of Activity:
Phamaceuticals, prestress concote poles & hume pipes.

| |
Mr. Krishna Prasad Tamrakar
R.S. Exports
P.O. Box # 1, Bhaktapur
Tel: (00977-1) 6611012 (O) / 6611018 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 6611059
E-mail: crml@wlink.com.np
Website: http://www.rs-exports.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Manufacturer of machine made brick, non-ferrous metal sheet, kitchenware, restaurants, groceries, handicrafts, health club and export business.

| |
Mr. Kumud Kumar Dugar
K.L. Dugar Group
Dilli Bazar, Charkhal Adda
P.O. Box 1991, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4437991 (7 lines) (Off) / 4423149 / 4421853 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4437990
E-mail: dugarnp@mos.com.np; kumud@kldugargroup.com
Areas of Activity:
Manufacturers of rice, wheat flour, vegetable ghee, edible oil, non-edible oil, pulses, all kind of food grains, tin containers, plastic container, dry battery, importer of fertifilzers, coconut oil, mustard seeds, canola seeds, green peas, hardware, confectionary item, blanket, carpets, computer parts, straw boards, jute and all kind of FNCG item, durable goods, banking, finance, media & publication, travelling & tours.

| |
Mr. Lank Man Roka
Lanku Galaicha Udyog
PO Box 2914, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 6611264 (Off) / 6612167 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 6612180
E-mail: lgu@wlink.com.np
Areas of Activity:
Manufacturer and exporter of woollen carpet.

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Mr. Lok Raj Bhatta
Dadeldhura Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Amargandhi-5, Bagh Bazar, Dadeldhura
Tel: (00977-96) 420611
Fax: (00977-96) 420611
E-mail: dcci.dadeldhura@gmail.com
Areas of Activity:

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Mr. Mahesh Kumar Jaju
Morang Merchant's Association
Pandit Meghraj Marg (Goshwara Road)
PO Box 104, Biratnagar-9, Morang
Tel: (00977-21) 525296, 530265 (Off) / 524358 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-21) 528772
E-mail: maheshjaju@rumpum.com; asianthai@nns.com.np
Website: http://www.rumpum.com
Areas of Activity:

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Mr. Nirmal Raj Paudel
Welcome Advertising and Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
Old Baneshwor, Bhimsengola
Gunakesari Marga, Block No. 904, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4494842, 4107731 (Off) / 4429716 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4494842
E-mail: nirmal.000@hotmail.com; inquiry@welcomeadnepal.com
Website: http://www.welcomeadnepal.com
Areas of Activity:
Advertising and media.

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Mr. Prakash Giri
Padma Shree Tea Estate Pvt. Ltd.
P O Box 895 EPC 7286, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 6635871, 6635930 (Off) / 4370369 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4370368
E-mail: prithivi@mail.com.np; prakashgiri46@yahoo.in
Areas of Activity:
Agro, Tea and Printing Industry, Hydro

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Mr. Pramod Shrestha
Myagdi Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Arthunge VDC 2, Beni Bazar, Myagdi
Tel: (00977-69) 520255 (Off) / 520271 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-69) 520255
E-mail: pramod.shrestha123@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.myagdicci.org
Areas of Activity:
Saw mill and furniture, grill and steel, alminium centre, bank, hospital, petrol pump, cable network, heavy equipment (exavators), agencies.

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Mr. Santosh Khatiwada
Taplejung Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Funglung Bazar, Ward No. 4, Taplejung
Tel: (00977-24) 460120, 460132
Fax: (00977-24) 460132
E-mail: tcci_tpj@ntc.net.np
Areas of Activity:
Trading & business.

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Mr. Shahil Agrawal
Shanker Group
7th Floor, Jagdamba Towers, Subidhanagar
PO Box 2513, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4111822, 4111823 (Off) / 4431667 (Resi)
Fax: (00977) 4111894
E-mail: shahil@shankergroup.com
Website: http://www.shankergroup.com
Areas of Activity:
Mining, Manufacturing, Services, Hospitality, Cement, Steel, Synthetics, Textiles, FMCG, Automobiles, Investment, Retail, Trading and Representation.

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Mrs. Shanta G.C.
Siddharthanagar Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Kalika Path -9, Siddharthanagar
Bhairahawa, Rupandehi
Tel: (00977-71) 521316 (Off) / 520342 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-71) 521619
E-mail: sicci@ntc.net.np
Website: http://www.sccionlines.org
Areas of Activity:

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Mr. Sukunta Lal Hirachan
Federation of Contractors' Association of Nepal(FCAN)
P O Box 8975 EPC 5045
Marpha House, Anamnagar, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4770245, 4771285, 4771360 (Off) / 5528542 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-1) 4771109
E-mail: ube@ntc.net.np
Areas of Activity:
Construction, Hydropower, Medical College, Engineering College, Shopping Mall etc.

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Mr. Surya Prasad Marsani
Myagdi Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Arthunga VDC-1, Ganesh Tole
Beni Bazar, Myagdi
Tel: (00977-69) 520246, 520245
Fax: (00977-69) 520246
E-mail: myagdicci@ntc.net.np; info@myagdicci.org
Areas of Activity:

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Mr. Tirtha Kumar Shrestha
Prakash Kumar Diwas Kumar Traders
Katari, Udayapur
Tel: (00977-35) 450040, 450260
Fax: (00977-35) 450241
E-mail: ..................
Areas of Activity:
Trading Business.

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Mr. Vijay Kumar Sarawagi
Birgunj Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Sarawagi Group
Opp: Birgunj Sugar Factory
Residential Area, Murli, Birgunj-16
Tel: (00977-51) 522042 (Off) / 528385 (Resi)
Fax: (00977-51) 523149
E-mail: sarawagi@sarawagigroup.com.np; vijay@birgunjfinance.com
Website: http://www.sarawagigroup.com
Areas of Activity:
Importer, Exporter, Industry, Development Bank, Life Insurance, FM Radio, Dental College

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Secretariat |
Director General
Dr. Hemant Dabadi
Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce & Industry
P.O. Box 269
Teku, Kathmandu
Tel: (00977-1) 4262061 / 4262218 / 4266889
Fax: (00977-1) 4261022 / 4262007
E-mail: hemant.dabadi@fncci.org; fncci@mos.com.np; fncci@fncci.org
Website: http://www.fncci.org

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